• Child Find

    Who can begin the Child Find process?

    Anyone can start the process: a parent/guardian, doctor, teacher, relative or friend can call their local school district Child Find. If you are concerned about a child’s learning, contact your local school campus, district, or charter school. 

    For more detailed information, call the “Lift Off to Learning “/ Child Find Help Line at 469-752-4299.

    Plano ISD is ready, willing and able to identify and serve all children with disabilities residing within its jurisdiction who are in need of special education and related services.

    If you are concerned about a child’s learning, contact your local school campus, district, or charter school. If you need help contacting your local school campus. 

    Frequently Asked Questions about Child Find:

  • Who do I contact if my child is birth to 3 years old?

    Early Childhood Intervention (ages birth to 3 years)

    Collin County ECI

  • What is Lift Off to Learning?

    Lift Off to Learning is the title given to the Child Find process. The programs are one in the same. For more detailed information, call the “Lift Off to Learning “/ Child Find Help Line at 469-752-4299.

  • Who do I contact if my child is currently enrolled in Plano Independent School District (Plano ISD)?

    Contact your child’s teacher and discuss your concerns, ask questions about your child’s reading or math level and overall development in comparison to others in the classroom. Discuss any behavioral concerns.
    If you are requesting an evaluation for Special Education Eligibility, the Student Support Team (SST) will convene on the campus to consider your request for evaluation.
    The SST will ask for information regarding your child and your concerns. If a referral to determine special education eligibility is being made, the SST will establish a time to obtain informed formal consent for the evaluation or the SST may formally refuse your request in a prompt, timely manner.

  • Who do I contact if my child is currently served in an Early Childhood Intervention Center (ECI)?

    The ECI case manager will invite you to a transition meeting with representatives from Plano ISD Early Childhood School to discuss the evaluation and eligibility process. This process should be facilitated by ECI agency 90 days prior to your child becoming 3 years of age.
    If you choose to give consent for the testing, an evaluation will be scheduled. Following the evaluation, you will be invited to a meeting to review the results and possible Special Education service options at Plano ISD Early Childhood School close to your home.

  • Who do I contact if my child is not enrolled in school (Home School)?

    If you reside in Plano ISD boundaries and your child is being homeschooled (not enrolled in any additional outside coursework), follow the enrollment process for assessment only student and then contact your neighborhood school in Plano ISD to request an evaluation. 
    The campus will provide you with an evaluation referral packet. Once the information is received, the school will convene a Student Support Team (SST) meeting to consider your request.

    If your child has special education eligibility, Plano ISD creates a private school plan at the beginning of each school year, which outlines any services that may be offered to private and homeschool students. The services are provided through the development of an Individual Service Plan (ISP). 

  • Who do I contact if my child is enrolled in a private school?

    If your child is attending a non-profit private school that is within Plano ISD boundaries, regardless of which school district you reside within, contact the special education department at 469-752-8783 to determine which campus you will need to contact to request an evaluation. Prior to contacting the campus, complete the assessment only enrollment process. 
    Once the evaluation referral packet is recieved by the campus, the school will convene a Student Support Team (SST) meeting to consider your request.

    If your child has special education eligibility, Plano ISD creates a private school plan at the beginning of each school year, which outlines any services that may be offered to private and homeschool students.  The services are provided through the development of an Individual Service Plan (ISP).


  • Who do I contact if my child is enrolled in Head Start?

    Discuss your concerns and ask questions about your child’s overall development in comparison to others in the classroom with the Head Start teacher. Head Start will contact the appropriate Early Childhood School nearest you to establish a Student Support Team (SST) to assist in determining interventions and or evaluations that may be appropriate.
    If you and the teacher feel a formal evaluation is needed to identify a disability, Head Start will contact the appropriate Early Childhood School nearest you to establish a time to obtain informed formal consent for the evaluation, or the MTSS may formally refuse your request in a prompt, timely manner.

  • Who do I contact if my child is enrolled in a charter school?

    The responsibility to make a free appropriate public education (FAPE) available to all students with disabilities applies to ALL public schools under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).9 Charter schools are public schools; therefore, they bear the same responsibility.

  • Do you need additional information?  

    Please scroll down to view and submit the form:

  • child looking through a magnifying glass