- Plano Independent School District
- Guide to Online Enrollment
New Student Online Enrollment and Annual Registration
As a public school system, Plano ISD welcomes all students who live within the district's boundaries and meet state age and health requirements. For specific enrollment information, please contact your child's school. If you need to find out which school your child will attend, please use the School Finder to look up the attendance boundaries for your address.
Looking for PreK or Headstart enrollment? Check out the Early Childhood Enrollment page.
Bilingual/Dual Language Program Notice: Students who are recommended for our Dual Language/Bilingual Program will be served at a bilingual campus with available space, as near to the student’s home school as possible. Students may be temporarily placed on one campus in order to set up transportation, then moved to the available bilingual campus. If you have questions, you may contact the executive director of multilingual services, Talle Gomez.
2025-2026 Online Enrollment
Need to enroll a new student for the 2025-2026 school year? Online enrollment will be available on:
- New Student Enrollment (Pre-K – 12th grade): Begins March 24, 2025
- Head Start Round Up: Week of January 27, 2025
Who Can Enroll Students
Students MUST be enrolled by:
- the natural parent,
- legal guardian or
- other person having legal control under a court order
The person enrolling the student must present their driver's license or department of transportation identification card at the time of enrollment.
A student 18 or more years of age living independently must present evidence of age and complete the necessary form in the office of Student Services prior to enrolling at the school.
Not the natural parent or designated guardian
Any person who is not the natural parent or is not designated guardian of the child by a court order must register with the office of Student Services, prior to enrolling the student.
Student Services
1300 19th Street, Suite D
Plano, TX 75074
Required Documents
Documents Needed for Enrollment
- Original birth certificate (or certified copy which includes a certificate number and is issued by the state), passport or other documents suitable as proof of the student's identity. See School Board Policy FD (EXHIBIT).
- Texas law requires the parent enrolling a student under the age of 11 to:
- provide the original or certified copy of the student’s birth certificate at the time of enrollment; or
- provide other reliable proof of the child’s identity and age (e.g., passport) plus a signed statement explaining the inability to produce an original or certified copy of the birth certificate. See form Policy FD (Exhibit C).
- Current immunization record signed by a physician. Immunizations, per Texas requirements, must be up to date with proper documentation prior to enrollment and attending class.
- Proof of residency in Plano ISD (natural gas or electricity bill, original lease agreement, or approved certificate of eligibility to enroll form)
- Most recent report card/withdrawal slip from the previous school
- Social Security card (if available; if not, the student will be assigned a state ID number)
- High school transcript (if applicable)
- Valid Identification - Parent’s valid driver’s license, or state identification card, or guardian information form, and guardian’s driver’s license or state identification card.
- If the parent or guardian is not a licensed driver or has not obtained a state ID card, other photo ID will be considered including, but not limited to, a passport or employment identification card.
- Early Childhood Programs
- Military Dependents (Department of Defense ID required)
- A letter documenting conservatorship by the Department of Family and Protective Services (if applicable)
- Proof of income, if applicable (current paycheck stub, tax return, food stamp documentation, or Food and Nutritional Services letter)
Enrollment FAQs
First Grade - How old does my child have to be to enroll in first grade?
In order to attend first grade in Plano ISD, a child must:
- be six years old on or before September 1,
- has previously been enrolled in the first grade of another public school, or
- has completed kindergarten from an accredited program.
Children who are five by September 1st may accelerate to first grade through the district's Kindergarten Acceleration procedures. Please visit Credit by Exam webpage for information about Kindergarten Acceleration.
I'm Building /Purchasing a Home within Plano ISD Boundaries. When Can I Enroll my Student?
If a family has not yet moved into the school district but is building or purchasing a home within the district boundaries, a Certificate of Eligibility Form must be completed and the contract for purchase must be submitted to the office of Student Services prior to enrolling.
Student Administrative Services Plano ISD Welcome & Enrollment Center
1300 19th Street
Plano, TX, 75074
(469) 752-2293
Fax (469) 752-3892 -
I would like for my student to attend a campus outside of our address attendance boundaries. What do I need to do?
If you would like for your student to attend a campus other than your zoned campus, please contact Student Administrative Services to complete a transfer. Your student may be registered at their home campus in the interim. If the transfer is approved, the students' records will be reassigned to the accepted campus.
Student Administrative Services PISD Welcome & Enrollment Center
1300 19th Street
Plano, TX, 75074
(469) 752-2293
Fax (469) 752-3892 -
Documents were not uploaded but I have them now. Where do I upload?
Please log back into your enrollment portal, return to the “Attachments” page, and upload the documents you need to provide.
If your student’s name is no longer listed in the drop down, please contact the campus. -
My student turns 4 on September 1, making them eligible for an Early Childhood Program (PK). How do I register my student?
PreK registration information is available on the Early Childhood Programs Portal.
I have submitted my request for registration in Plano ISD. How long should I wait before contacting the campus?
Please see the Opportunities to Enroll in Person webpage for campus staff return dates. If campus staff has already returned, please allow up to 3 business days for your request to be reviewed. Once your request is processed and approved, you will receive a confirmation email from your campus.
Enroll in Person
Can't complete online enrollment?
Families of new students unable to complete the online enrollment process, need assistance with enrollment or have specific questions about enrollment or registration forms, please call your school or visit the Welcome and Enrollment Center for face-to-face assistance. For location and hours of operation, please visit the Welcome Center webpage.
Steps for Resolving Enrollment Concerns
Step 1: Find & Contact Your School
Use School Finder to enter your address and locate your school. Contact the school by calling the school's main number.
Step 2: Current Parents Needing Parent Portal Help
Step 3: Still Need Help? Let's Talk!
Let's Talk Enrollment!
If you are unable to resolve your enrollment concern by contacting your child's school, or if the campus is currently closed, please use Let's Talk to submit your question, comment, concern or compliment:
Should you require face-to-face assistance, please visit the Welcome and Enrollment Center. For location and hours of operation, please visit the Welcome Center webpage.