• BenQ Board - Memorial Elementary & Williams High School

    The interactive flat panels BenQ Rp8604 are currently being piloted ONLY at Memorial Elementary and a select number of Williams High School classrooms

    Learning Material

    Optional: EZ Write Software for your laptop

    Teachers have the ability to create something in EZ Write while on their desktop, save to Google Drive, and then when they get to their BenQ board they can open it by opening AMS/Google Drive.

    • It is easier for some people to create on the laptop rather than standing at the board.
    • Teachers might want to build activities using manipulatives and share their EZ Write file with other teachers.
    • It's a way to organize YouTube videos and elements together.
    • Create other activities for engagements.

    How to get it:

    Install EZ Write 6 from the App Depot


    For technical issues, contact your CTA or Help Desk at 28767 or tsos@pisd.edu.

    For instructional support, contact a member of the Digital Learning Team at digitallearningteam@pisd.edu.  

BenQ Board Rp8604

  • Note about the video above: Instashare 2 is NOT currently available on the PISD BenQ boards.